Components & Cut Parts
Pre-cut, finished and edge banded components give your shop the ability to maximize time and profits. Our integrated manufacturing process enables us to tailor components to your unique specifications and applications, from panel construction through finish.

Improve your operation’s efficiency and profitability
Pre-cut, pre-drilled and fully finished components are precision engineered for consistency in fabrication when they arrive on your shop floor. This precision reduces waste and assures you a simpler bidding process with clearly defined prices for every component.
States panels are manufactured from the finest plywood construction in a wide range of wood veneers with matching wood edge banding.

What is Componability?
Well, States has it.
Our component plants are equipped with point-to-point machining centers, beam saws, edgebanders and a host of smaller equipment, allowing us to manufacture whatever you need. Whether finished or unfinished, we can fabricate cut parts, edgebanded and dowel-inserted case good components or complete contract-manufactured panel goods.
Componability means anything from pre-cut, machined panels for fully machined and pre-finished cabinet boxes, carcass assemblies, cabinet skins and backs, to end panels. But it doesn’t stop there. You can also get completely machined and pre-finished drawer box components, drawer fronts, loose fixtures and flat panel doors.
Custom components customers include companies with no manufacturing capability that design, assemble and market components manufactured for them.
Componability at-a-glance
- Reduce lead times and speed production
- Precision engineering ensures consistency
- Fully customizable components, from panel construction through finish
- Comprehensive CNC machining capabilities to create exactly what you need
- Full contract manufacturing of finished goods
Fast, efficient, easy
Componability offers you the opportunity to increase your production efficiency by freeing up time for more profitable work. And with the assurance of clearly defined prices for every component, you can have confidence knowing you are making money on every project you bid.
Componability Options

Typical Components
- Carcass assemblies
- Cabinet skins and backs
- Wall and base cabinet end panels
- Drawer boxes
- Drawer fronts
- Loose fixtures
- Flat panel doors
- Shelving tops

Edge Banding Options
- Natural veneer: unfinished, clear or color matched
- PVC and polyester
- 3 mm wood or lumber banding
- Clear or woodgrain foils

Most customers order their components pre-finished. Ultraviolet-cured NOVA® finishes from States Industries have set the standard in pre-finished hardwood panels. These are available in clear, standard colors, custom color matches, opaque colors and printed woodgrains.
Three standard gloss levels or custom gloss matches are available.

Ready-to-Assemble Drawers
Our Componabilty program offers drawer sides in a wide variety of cores and veneers. Options from aromatic cedar to baltic birch are available in a full range of heights and edge treatment options.
- Joinery can be dovetail, bore and dowel or simple rabbet
- Clear finish is standard
- Custom color drawer sides and matching color bottoms are available

- Production cutting: rip and crosscutting
- Drilling/boring: horizontal and vertical 8 mm
- Line boring: 32 mm O.C. 5 mm diameter
- Horizontal drilling: pilots, countersinks and cam locks
- Grooving/notching: dados, T-moulds, kick plates
- Contour cutting: circles, ellipses, arches, angles to 145°